Logos are either images or text that represent a brand. A good logo helps people identify your brand. Logos are placed on advertisements and products made by a brand.
Nike’s simple tick is placed on most of their shoes and clothes. It is instantly recognizable by almost anyone. That’s why logos are so important. Today, we are going to show you how to create a good logo for your company.
Steps in Designing a Suitable Logo For Your Brand
Given below are some basic steps that can set you on the way to creating a great logo.
1. Determine What Your Logo is Supposed to Represent
A logo can perform a variety of functions. You can either make it recognizable or informative. Logos have different types; some are purely symbolic, while some are composed of text. Some are even composed as a mix of both.
The problem is that this part is purely subjective. You will need to experiment to see which logo type suits your brand. One approach is to create a mind map to explore different ideas and connections, helping you visualize various elements and concepts for your logo. You can also take suggestions from close friends or colleagues to get a unified vision for the logo.
However, don’t think too hard at this point; otherwise, you can get crippled by decision anxiety or rush into a poor design.
2. Look at Logos from Similar Brands
A good way of coming up with a good logo is to look at other brands in your niche. Looking at other logos can help inspire you to come up with a suitable design for your own logo.
Of course, you can’t use other people’s logos, as that would be copyright infringement. However, you can take a small amount of inspiration. Given below are some examples of logos that look quite similar.
The one on the left is the logo for Pepsi, while the one on the right is Korean Air.
The two logos are for Remedy (left) and Rockstar (right).
These examples show that logos can become quite similar without actually being the same. So, it is ok to take inspiration from other logos, both in or out of your niche.
3. Compile a List of Words and Imagery Related to Your Brand
While looking at other companies’ logos is great for inspiration, you should not let go of your own initiative.
Try to find imagery and words that you think relate to your brand. This is necessary to create a good logo. Just be sure not to use images that are copyrighted. Make sure you get them from reputable sources.
If you are unsure about the source of an image, use DNS Checker reverse image search to find its source. A reverse image search is an additional search option in most search engines. Basically, you search using an image as input, and the results show websites that have that image or ones similar to it.
This is an easy preventative measure to avoid running into copyright issues later on.
4. Create a Preliminary Sketch
Using the compiled words and list, create a basic sketch of what your logo could look like.
If you are not confident in your drawing skills, then don’t worry. You can use a free design tool like Canva to create basic sketches easily. Tools like Canva provide premade assets that you can mix and match according to your liking to create a professional-looking logo.
Of course, we are not going for a professional look in this step. Right now, we are only focused on finding a basic model that we can refine later on. So, don’t worry too much, and just experiment.
At the end, you should have a few different sketches of your logo.
5. Get a 2nd Opinion on the Sketches
Once you have compiled a few sketches, show them to your colleagues. Get some opinions on which sketches are better. Also, try to get some feedback about the designs. Somebody could give you some hints for a better design or ideas about how to combine some of your sketches together to create a great logo.
Since the logo is going to represent your entire brand, it makes sense to get feedback from the people belonging to the brand.
6. Finalize The Logo
Once you have decided on the best sketch, it is time to get it professionally done. Now, you have two options here: you can use a free logo maker or design tool like the aforementioned Canva, or you can hire a professional.
Professional graphic designers can cost a pretty penny, but their work quality is good. So, if you can afford one, it is always a good idea to hire one.
Otherwise, you always have the option to create the logo yourself. Use the sketch to create the logo, show it to your boss, and once it’s approved, you are good to go.
From defining your identity to creating a solid marketing plan,Learn how to build a brand in 5 days.
FAQs on How to design a logo
What is the first step in designing a logo?
The first step is to understand your brand’s identity. This involves defining your brand’s values, mission, target audience, and overall personality.
How can I brainstorm logo ideas?
Brainstorming techniques like mind mapping, keyword lists, and mood boards can help you generate ideas. Consider your brand’s personality and the emotions you want to evoke.
What elements should I include in my logo design?
A logo can include text-based elements (the brand name or tagline), symbols or icons, or a combination of both. Consider the simplicity, readability, and scalability of your design.
What are some common logo design mistakes to avoid?
Avoid overcomplicating your design, using too many fonts or colors, or creating a logo that is difficult to reproduce in different sizes or formats.
How can I evaluate the effectiveness of my logo design?
Ask yourself if the logo captures your brand’s essence, is memorable, and is versatile across different applications. Get feedback from others to ensure it resonates with your target audience.
So, there you have it: how to create a logo for your brand. It requires deep introspection, as you need to identify what your brand stands for and what logo will represent it the best.
At the end of the day, the logo design is subjective. All that matters is that you feel it is good and that it holds up to basic art standards.