How To Write A Cold Email

How To Write A Cold Email: 7 Techniques That Generate Leads

Cold emailing continues to be an essential method for generating leads. Writing a good cold email is all about tailoring it towards your prospect. You also need to time it well. These emails are great for starting conversations and building valuable business connections through sales engagements. 

When you write a cold email, look beyond hastily composing a text. You need to be strategic with a deep understanding of your audience. You must also know how sales engagement and automation tools improve your work’s accuracy and performance. 

What is a cold email?

Cold emails are about sending personalized emails. They go to potential clients who need to become more familiar with your business. A good cold email grabs your prospect’s attention while presenting your offerings and starting a conversation. This conversation may lead to a business opportunity for you.

How to write a cold email and make more leads

When writing a cold email, your main focus should be generating quality leads. It is always quality over quantity when you are cold emailing prospects. Your strategy is much more potent when you use a sales automation tool to know the right audience to focus on. Utilizing a reliable email marketing tool like Mailrelay, which offers expert support, can significantly enhance your marketing efforts by ensuring your content reaches your audience’s inbox, improving engagement and deliverability rates.

Here is a process you can follow to write a cold email that will effectively attract more leads.

Write an Interesting Subject Line

The subject line is always important because it determines whether your email will be opened or ignored. It is the first line of test on the quality of your cold email. You need to make it brief and interesting, hinting at the value of the email. It should spark curiosity or offer a direct benefit to the reader. 

When writing a subject line, always think, “Will my prospect be curious about this?”

A well-crafted subject line sets the stage for the rest of your message. It is your opening line, so always try to make it effective.

Keep Your Email Simple and Concise

People limit the time and attention they give to things these days. Nobody wants to read a novel when they open an email. Prospects always want your communication to be direct and concise. Avoid jargon or unnecessary fluff, and focus on creating easy-to-read emails showing you value the prospect’s time. 

When writing emails, focus on readability. First, clearly state your purpose. Then, use bullet points and short paragraphs. It makes your emails easy to read and understand.


Generic emails are easily ignored. You have to personalize your emails so that they can improve your response rates. It’s not just about using the prospect’s name. You should mention other specific details about their company, role, or recent achievements. 

It demonstrates genuine interest and shows you’re not just sending generic messages. Prospecting tools can help you gather the data to personalize your emails effectively.

Clarity and Brevity

To effectively communicate, you must ensure your messaging is clear and concise. Each sentence should add value and guide your prospect towards the call to action. Communicate your value proposition appropriately using direct language to eliminate ambiguity.

Send Emails at the Right Time

Timing is very important if you want your cold emails to work. Studies show that sending emails between 10 AM and 3 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays results in the highest open rates. 

Nevertheless, your timing can differ based on your specific target audience. Using a sales platform with an email warmup feature will allow you to test various email sending times to get your optimal time for sending. 

Knowing when to send your cold emails can increase the likelihood of your emails being read and receiving a response.

Include a Compelling CTA

Having a call to action (CTA) is important to the success of your cold email. Your CTA needs to be:

  • Persuasive, clear, compelling and relevant to the prospect.
  • Aligned with the overall objective of your email.
  • Prominently placed and easy to follow.

The purpose of your CTA can be to schedule a call, download a resource, or visit a website. You need it to be strong enough to drive your prospect to take the next step, converting interest into immediate action.


You have to be persistent when sending cold emails. If you haven’t received a response to your initial email, following up after a few days is a good idea. A polite, straightforward follow-up email can gently remind the prospect of your continued interest. 

Use sales engagement and automation tools to track responses and manage your follow-ups efficiently. Balancing persistence and professionalism increases lead generation and conversion opportunities.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Sending Cold Emails

When using cold emailing as a lead-generation strategy, you must know the common errors that can affect its success. You will improve the performance of your emails by avoiding these mistakes.


You must strike a balance when using sales automation tools to send emails. Maintaining a personal touch is important to avoid sending unappealing generic emails to prospects. Each message should be a genuine attempt to connect with them.

Ignoring Feedback

The feedback you get from cold emailing is crucial, whether direct or indirect. You should respect the prospects who are uninterested and remove them from your mailing list. 

Take time to study your email response patterns to refine your approach. Use a sales platform with valuable analytics to run A/B tests and easily understand what works in your strategy and what aspects you need to improve. 

You will damage your reputation and diminish the effectiveness of your cold email strategy when you ignore feedback.

Failure to Segment Audience

Not all prospects are identical, so a general approach wouldn’t get you the best results. You must categorize your audience based on industry, job role, and past engagements. 

Customize your emails for specific audience segments. This makes them more relevant and boosts the chance of a response. A sales platform can help you segment your audience and generate targeted email lists.

Top 5 Example of Cold Emails

Example 1: Networking Introduction Email

Subject Line: Quick Introduction – Potential Partnership Opportunity

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am with [Your Company]. We specialize in [brief description of your company's services/products].

I noticed your impressive work with [Prospect's Company/Specific Project], and I believe there could be a strong synergy between our organizations. I’d love to discuss how we can collaborate to [specific benefit].

Would you be available for a brief call next week? Looking forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

Example 2: Value Proposition Email

Subject Line: Increase [Prospect’s Company]’s Efficiency by 25% with [Your Company]

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company], and I’m reaching out because I’ve identified a way we can help [Prospect's Company] improve [specific area, e.g., efficiency, revenue] by at least 25%.

We’ve recently helped companies like [Client 1] and [Client 2] achieve remarkable results with our [specific product/service]. I believe we can replicate this success for you.

Could we schedule a brief call next week to explore this further?

Thank you,

[Your Full Name]

Example 3: Follow-Up Email

Subject Line: Following Up on My Previous Email

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope you’re well. I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding a potential collaboration between [Your Company] and [Prospect's Company]. I understand you’re busy, but I believe there’s significant value we can bring to your team.Would you be available for a quick call next week to discuss this in more detail?Looking forward to hearing from you.Best regards,[Your Full Name]

Example 4: Case Study Email

Subject Line: See How [Client’s Name] Increased Their [Specific Metric] by 40%

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I’m with [Your Company]. We’ve helped companies like [Client's Name] achieve a [specific metric, e.g., 40% increase in sales] using our [specific product/service].

I’d love to share a brief case study with you and discuss how we can achieve similar results for [Prospect's Company].

Are you available for a 15-minute call next week?

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

Example 5: Event Invitation Email

Subject Line: Invitation: Join Us for [Event Name] – Exclusive Insights on [Topic]

Hi [Prospect's Name],

I’m [Your Name] from [Your Company], and I wanted to personally invite you to our upcoming event, [Event Name], focused on [specific topic].

This event will feature industry leaders discussing [specific benefit], and I believe you’ll find it highly valuable for [Prospect's Company].

Would you be able to join us on [Event Date]? I’d love to discuss further how our solutions can benefit your team during the event.

Best regards,

[Your Full Name]

These examples follow the key principles of cold emailing, including personalization, clarity, brevity, and a compelling call to action. Tailor each example to your specific prospects and offerings to maximize their effectiveness.


Writing a killer cold email is like a mix of creativity and science. You can turn emails into a lead-generating machine using the right techniques and tools.

Make your subject lines pop. Keep your messages short and sweet. Tailor them to each prospect by using effective sales engagements and sales automation tools. Your cold emails can unlock new doors and boost your business using my seven techniques.