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Software Engineer Salary: Complete Guide [2024]

Software engineering is a field that is constantly evolving, with new technologies and programming languages emerging all the time. As such, it is essential for software engineers to stay up-to-date with industry trends and developments to remain competitive in the job market. One crucial factor that plays a significant role in the decision-making process for software engineers is their salary. In this complete guide, we will explore the software engineer salary landscape in 2024, including the top-paying cities and companies in the United States. Whether you are a seasoned software engineer or just starting in the field, this guide will provide you with valuable insights to make informed career decisions.

Roles and Responsibilities of Software Engineer

The roles and responsibilities of a software engineer vary depending on the organization and the specific job title, but some of the typical tasks and duties of a software engineer include:

  1. Designing, developing, and testing software applications: This involves working with programming languages, software development tools, and frameworks to create software applications that meet the needs of users.
  2. Collaborating with cross-functional teams: Software engineers often work with product managers, designers, and other engineers to ensure that the software product is delivered on time, within budget, and meets the quality standards.
  3. Identifying and solving software problems: Software engineers need to be able to identify issues with the software and find ways to fix them.
  4. Writing and maintaining technical documentation: This involves writing technical specifications, user manuals, and other documentation to help users understand how to use the software.
  5. Staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and trends: Software engineers need to keep up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in software development to ensure that they are using the best tools and practices.
  6. Participating in code reviews: This involves reviewing the code of other software engineers to identify potential issues or improvements.
  7. Ensuring that software is scalable and maintainable: Software engineers need to design software in a way that is scalable and easy to maintain over time.
  8. Testing and debugging software: This involves testing software to ensure that it works as expected and debugging any issues that arise.
  9. Providing technical support: Software engineers may need to provide technical support to users or other teams within the organization.

Overall, software engineers play a critical role in the development and maintenance of software products and are responsible for ensuring that the software meets the needs of users and the organization.

Software Engineer Salary in United States

Software engineer salary in United States

As of March 22, 2023, the reported average annual salary for software engineers in the United States is $108,781 with an additional cash bonus of $5,000 per year. This information is based on 92,000 reported salaries.

Location is one of the primary factors that affect a software engineer’s salary. Software engineers working in major metropolitan areas such as San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle tend to earn higher salaries due to the high cost of living and the demand for technology talent in these areas. On the other hand, software engineers working in smaller cities or rural areas may earn lower salaries due to a lower cost of living and a lower demand for technology talent.

Salaries by years of experience in the United States

Salaries by years of experience in the United States

Experience level is another key factor that affects a software engineer’s salary. Software engineers with more experience tend to earn higher salaries than those who are just starting out. According to Indeed, the average salary for a software engineer with less than one year of experience is $72,092 per year, while a software engineer with 10 or more years of experience can earn an average of $137,860 per year.

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Highest paying cities for Software Engineers in USA

Highest paying cities for Software Engineers near United States

We will explore the top cities for software engineers in terms of salaries in or near the United States.

  1. San Francisco, California: San Francisco is widely regarded as the tech capital of the world and is home to many top technology companies, including Google, Facebook, and Apple. Software engineers in San Francisco earn some of the highest salaries in the country, with an average salary of $138,686 per year.
  2. Seattle, Washington: Seattle is another tech hub with a booming tech industry, and it is home to some of the world’s largest technology companies, including Amazon and Microsoft. Software engineers in Seattle earn an average salary of $127,880 per year.
  3. New York City, New York: New York City is known for its financial industry, but it also has a rapidly growing tech sector. Many software companies, including Google and Amazon, have opened offices in New York City in recent years. Software engineers in New York City earn an average salary of $123,000 per year.
  4. Los Angeles, California: Los Angeles has a growing tech industry, with companies like Snap Inc. and SpaceX headquartered in the area. Software engineers in Los Angeles earn an average salary of $117,179 per year.
  5. Boston, Massachusetts: Boston is home to several top universities and a thriving startup scene. The city has a rapidly growing tech industry and is home to companies such as Akamai Technologies and TripAdvisor. Software engineers in Boston earn an average salary of $115,641 per year.
  6. Austin, Texas: Austin has become a hub for startups and technology companies in recent years, with companies such as Dell, Google, and Apple having a presence in the city. Software engineers in Austin earn an average salary of $112,347 per year.
  7. Chicago, Illinois: Chicago has a large and diverse economy, and its tech industry has been growing in recent years. Software engineers in Chicago earn an average salary of $108,270 per year.
  8. Atlanta, Georgia: Atlanta is home to a growing technology industry, with companies such as IBM, NCR, and Microsoft having offices in the area. Software engineers in Atlanta earn an average salary of $105,479 per year.
  9. Dallas, Texas: Dallas has a large and growing technology industry, with companies such as Texas Instruments and AT&T having a presence in the city. Software engineers in Dallas earn an average salary of $102,870 per year.
  10. Denver, Colorado: Denver is a growing tech hub, with companies such as Amazon and Google having offices in the area. Software engineers in Denver earn an average salary of $101,042 per year.

Top companies for Software Engineers in United States

Top companies for Software Engineers in United States

We will explore the top companies for software engineers in the United States, according to their average salaries.

  1. Google is one of the largest technology companies in the world and employs a large number of software engineers. The average salary for a software engineer at Google is around $139,000 per year, which is one of the highest salaries in the industry.
  2. Amazon is another large technology company that hires a significant number of software engineers. The average salary for a software engineer at Amazon is approximately $129,000 per year.
  3. Apple is a leading technology company that is known for its innovative products and services. The average salary for a software engineer at Apple is around $125,000 per year.
  4. Facebook is a social media giant that employs a large number of software engineers to develop and maintain its platform. The average salary for a software engineer at Facebook is approximately $123,000 per year.
  5. Microsoft is a software giant that is known for its Windows operating system and Office suite of products. The average salary for a software engineer at Microsoft is around $121,000 per year.
  6. LinkedIn is a professional networking platform that has become an essential tool for professionals worldwide. The average salary for a software engineer at LinkedIn is approximately $118,000 per year.
  7. Twitter is a social media platform that allows users to share short messages, and it employs software engineers to develop and maintain its platform. The average salary for a software engineer at Twitter is around $117,000 per year.
  8. Uber is a ride-hailing service that has revolutionized the transportation industry. The average salary for a software engineer at Uber is approximately $115,000 per year.
  9. Airbnb is an online marketplace that connects travelers with hosts who offer lodging. The average salary for a software engineer at Airbnb is around $112,000 per year.
  10. Dropbox is a file hosting service that allows users to store and share files online. The average salary for a software engineer at Dropbox is approximately $111,000 per year.
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There are numerous companies in the United States that hire software engineers, and the above list represents some of the top companies in terms of average salaries. These companies are known for their innovative products and services, and they offer competitive compensation packages to attract and retain top talent in the industry.

Where do Software Engineers earn more in the US

Career Progression for Software Engineer

Career progression for Software Engineer

Above we have discusses the education levels for software engineers. While a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field is typically the minimum requirement for a software engineering job, some employers may also accept candidates with a degree in a different field if they have relevant experience or demonstrate proficiency in coding. Pursuing a master’s degree in computer science or a related field can help software engineers advance their careers and specialize in a particular area. Additionally, pursuing certifications in specific programming languages or technologies can demonstrate a software engineer’s expertise in that area and make them more marketable to employers.

Pay by Experience Level for Software Engineers

Pay by Experience Level for Software Engineers

The pay for software engineers can vary depending on their experience level. Generally, as a software engineer gains more experience, their salary tends to increase.

Entry-level software engineers typically earn lower salaries than more experienced software engineers. According to data from Indeed, the average base salary for an entry-level software engineer in the United States is approximately $74,000 per year. However, as software engineers gain more experience, their salary can increase significantly.

For example, software engineers with 5-9 years of experience can expect to earn an average base salary of around $106,000 per year. Software engineers with 10-19 years of experience can expect to earn an average base salary of approximately $127,000 per year, and those with over 20 years of experience can earn an average base salary of approximately $137,000 per year.

It’s worth noting that salaries can also vary based on factors such as location, company size, and industry. Additionally, some companies offer bonuses, stock options, and other benefits that can contribute to a software engineer’s total compensation package.

Overall, gaining experience in the software engineering field can lead to higher salaries and increased career opportunities. By continually developing their skills and staying up-to-date with industry trends, software engineers can position themselves for success and advancement in their careers.

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Trending Career Options for Software Engineers

Trending Career Options for Software Engineers

Some of the most popular career paths include full-stack developer, data scientist, mobile app developer, DevOps engineer, and cybersecurity engineer. Each career path has a unique focus, with professionals specializing in areas such as web application development, data analysis, mobile app development, software development processes, and cybersecurity. By developing skills and expertise in a specific area, software engineers can pursue a career path that aligns with their interests and career goals.


Software engineering is a highly lucrative field, with great potential for career growth and salary increases over time. According to the data presented in the article, software engineers in the United States can earn an average salary of over $107,000 per year, with some cities and industries offering even higher pay.

While there is a lot of competition in the industry, software engineers with strong technical skills, relevant experience, and the ability to adapt to new technologies and trends are likely to be in high demand. Additionally, pursuing advanced degrees or certifications can also help software engineers advance their careers and earn higher salaries.

However, it’s important to note that salary is not the only factor to consider when choosing a career path. Software engineering can be a challenging and demanding field, requiring long hours and continuous learning. Individuals should also consider their personal interests, skills, and values when deciding whether software engineering is the right career choice for them.


What is salary as a software developer in united states?

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual wage for software developers in the United States was $110,140 as of May 2020. However, salaries can range from around $64,240 for entry-level positions to over $166,960 for highly experienced developers in in-demand specialties like artificial intelligence or cybersecurity. It’s important to note that salaries can also vary by region, with higher salaries typically being offered in areas with a higher cost of living such as San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle.

What is the highest salary for a software developer?

The top 10% of software developers earned over $166,960 as of May 2020. However, it’s important to note that there are many factors that can impact a software developer’s salary, including the company they work for, their location, their level of education, and their level of experience.

Is it hard to be a software developer?

Becoming a software developer can be challenging, as it requires a strong foundation in computer science or a related field, the ability to keep up with constantly evolving technology, and a high degree of attention to detail. However, for those who enjoy problem-solving and working with technology, it can be a rewarding career.

Why software developer salary is high?

Software developers typically have high salaries due to the high demand for their skills and the importance of their work in modern technology-driven industries. Skilled software developers are in high demand due to the increasing reliance on software in many industries and the need for businesses to stay competitive by creating innovative software products. Additionally, software development is a highly technical and specialized field, which requires a significant level of education, training, and experience

Which engineer has highest salary?

Some engineering fields that typically offer high salaries include petroleum engineering, computer engineering, and aerospace engineering. Additionally, engineers with specialized skills in in-demand areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cybersecurity can also command very high salaries.

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