angular interview questions

Top 21 Angular Interview Questions and Answers

Hey, you’ve got your dream job as a developer and are now having interviews for the same. On top of that, you would like to get some more knowledge and skills on Angular. So what do you do? You look up all the possible questions related to Angular and practice answering them right? This article will give you 21 such questions that might come your way during an interview process or even when preparing one.

Angular Interview Questions Answers Every Developers Should Know

important angular interview questions answers

1. Tell Me About Your Self – Angular Interview Questions

My name is John Smith and I am an experienced web developer with a background in Angular. I have been working with the framework for over (X) years, and I’m passionate about staying up to date on the latest trends and technologies related to Angular. My experience includes developing single page applications, creating custom components, writing unit tests, and deploying applications to production.
I am highly organized and detail-oriented when it comes to coding projects. I always strive to write clean code that is easy to read and maintain. Additionally, I enjoy collaborating with other developers on complex problems and troubleshooting issues that arise during development.

Overall, my goal is to use my knowledge of Angular to create high-quality applications that are both user-friendly and visually appealing. I’m confident that my skillset will be an asset in any development team or project.

2. What is Angular?

Angular is a framework for building client-side web applications. It was developed by Google and the community, following the standards of JavaScript ES6+.

Angular uses TypeScript, which provides you with static typing, classes and interfaces, generics and other features that make you more productive when building large applications in JavaScript.

3. Where can I use Angular?

Angular is a JavaScript framework which is used for web and mobile application development. It can be integrated with any other technology or language to create reactive single page applications (SPA) or server side rendered applications. Angular provides tools, techniques and libraries that help you build an app quickly while maintaining quality code.

4. What is TypeScript in Angular?

TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript and provides developers with the ability to write validated code for their Angular applications. TypeScript does not change JavaScript, but adds optional static typing for types that don’t require it.

5. Why do you want this angular developer job?

I want to be an Angular developer because I love the idea of working with a team of people who are passionate about what they do. It’s so exciting to me that there are people out there who find the same joy in their work as I do, and it would be amazing to be able to work with them every day!

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6. Why should we hire you as an angular developer ?

As an angular developer, I’m a problem-solver. I love to take on new challenges and turn them into exciting opportunities. I’ve worked with a wide range of people, from other developers to non-technical stakeholders, and I always strive to make sure everyone leaves the table happy.

Whether it’s creating a new component or improving the performance of an existing one, I have a strong track record of building things that work the way they should. And when something doesn’t work right? Well… That’s when the real fun begins!

7. What are your greatest strengths as an angular developer?

I am a great angular developer because I have a natural affinity for building user interfaces. When I look at an application, I can quickly see how it should be structured and how its components should interact with one another. This is especially helpful when I’m working on large projects with multiple teams, as it allows me to make suggestions about how to improve the structure or design of an application without having any prior knowledge of its inner workings.

I also have an excellent grasp of the tools and process required for building modern web apps. This includes knowing how to use GIT effectively, as well as knowing which languages and frameworks are popular at any given time.

8. What is your greatest professional achievement?

As an angular developer, I have worked on many different projects and contributed to many different companies. It is hard to pick just one achievement as my greatest professional achievement.

One project that stands out in my mind is the project I worked on for [company name]. We were tasked with creating a website that would help users find the best products for their needs. The website had to be built from the ground up, so we needed to come up with a way to organize information about products in a way that was easy for users to navigate and understand.

We created a system where each product had its own page, which displayed all of the relevant information about it in an organized way. The page included things like: product name, price range, color options, reviews from previous customers, etc.

The user could then click on any of these options and see other products within that category (e.g., if they clicked on “color options,” they would see all available colors). This made it easy for them to compare products side-by-side, which was important because we wanted people who are looking at these pages to be able to make informed decisions about which product best suited their needs before buying something online.

9. Why are you leaving your current job?

I’m leaving my current job as an angular developer because I want to work for a company that values the quality of their products and the people who create them.

I’m looking for a company where I can feel like my work matters. I want to work with people who share my passion for creating a product that is user-friendly and actually adds value to people’s lives.

I’ve been working with AngularJS for about 4 years now, and it’s been an amazing experience. But lately I’ve been feeling like something is missing from my life and it turns out, that something is working for a company whose mission aligns with mine in every way: helping people!

10. What type of work environment do you prefer?

I prefer to work in an environment where I can be surrounded by people who love what they do, and who want to make each other better. I want to be surrounded by people who are interested in learning and growing as individuals, and who are also willing to share their knowledge with others. I also like being around people who have different perspectives than me, because it helps me grow as a person.

11. Difference between Angular and AngularJS

The Angular framework is a complete re-write of the AngularJS framework. Angular is written in TypeScript, while AngularJS was written in JavaScript. The new version incorporates features such as data binding, dependency injection and components that were not available on AngularJS.

12. What is an Angular Module?

Angular modules are the fundamental building blocks of Angular applications. They help you to organize your code in a better way, maintainability and scalability of the app.

An Angular module is a collection of components, directives, pipes and services that share a single purpose or functionality. You can create multiple modules in an application but each one should have its own functionality or purpose which makes it easy for us to understand their role inside our project structure because all these things will be placed inside their own folder structure so we don’t need any extra effort while importing them into our project later on if we want some specific component inside another component then only one thing required here is import statement where we mention file path which contains desired component so let’s see how it works?

13. What is Top advantages of Angular?

  1. Angular is a software development framework that helps to build applications.
  2. It is commonly used for Single Page Applications (SPA) like Single Page Web Application, Mobile Web App and Rich Desktop Application.
  3. The performance of an application depends on the framework used as it is implemented as a part of the web application which is responsible for all operations like displaying data, uploading files, adding new records in database or updating any record or deleting them.
  4. In Angular, everything works based on concepts like components, templates and modules which makes it very easy to understand and use.
  5. It uses two-way binding for inputs fields so that you do not have to write extra code for updating the fields and it automatically updates when the user changes his input in an input field.
  6. In Angular framework you can add third party libraries such as JQuery and Bootstrap library which makes it easier while developing an application.

14. What are the Angular 14 with New Updates and Features?

  1. More efficient compilation: Angular’s compiler is getting smarter! With Angular 14, you can expect faster build times and smaller bundle sizes—which means less time waiting and more time sipping coffee while your IDE compiles all your changes.
  1. Better support for server-side rendering (SSR): Angular 14 features improved server-side rendering support, which makes it easier to support both HTML in the browser and different platforms that require server-side rendering.
  1. New language service improvements: The Angular language service has been updated to support TypeScript 3.2, which brings new features like conditional types and improved debugging capabilities.
  1. Improved tree shaking for more efficient builds: Tree shaking helps reduce the size of your final application by removing unused code from your application bundles so you can ship smaller bundles to users and now it’s even better at doing this in Angular 14! Tree shaking will now take advantage of some new ES modules features that allow it to remove more unused code than before without affecting performance or functionality.

15. What is the use of NgModule decorator in Angular?

NgModule decorator is used to create a module in Angular. When you create a new project using Angular CLI, it creates one default module called AppModule and imports all the other modules into it. You can also use NgModule decorator to export components from your application and import them in other applications or libraries.

16. How to handle state management in Angular?

To handle state management in Angular, you can use the following approaches:

  • Store the state in a service. This approach is simple, but it has its limitations. For example, if you have multiple components that need access to some data and you want them all to share that data, then this solution won’t work for you because services cannot be injected into other components. Instead of using this approach for large applications where data sharing between components is necessary (such as an e-commerce application), we recommend using one of our other suggestions below instead.
  • Use one of the Angular state management libraries like NgRx or Redux which are already built on top of RxJS observables so they’re easy to integrate into your existing codebase or get started with if none exists yet!

17. What are Pipes in Angular?

Pipes are one of the most useful components of Angular. They are used to transform data from one format to another. For example, you can use a pipe to convert a date into a string and vice versa.

Angular comes with a number of built-in pipes that you can use to format strings, numbers, and dates in your templates. You can also create your own custom pipes by using the PipeTransform class.

18. Can we have multiple components in a single module?

Yes, you can have multiple components in a single module. You can define a component in the same module using the component keyword. The component is an Angular decorator and it has its own template, styles, and behavior that are independent of other components within that module’s tree structure.

19. What are directives and components in Angular 5.2 or later versions?

Components are the centre of Angular. They combine HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into a reusable block that you can drop into your application. You can think of them as custom elements or widgets.

Directives are a way to extend HTML with new element and attributes. Directives let you add behavior to DOM elements (elements in the browser).

20. Explain the difference between a directive and a component in Angular

Directives are used to extend HTML elements with new attributes and behaviour. They are one of the core building blocks of Angular applications. You can use directives to create reusable and modular code, which can be used for both UI and non-UI purposes.

Components are another key concept in Angular that allows you to encapsulate logic into custom elements that have their own template, styles and behaviour (i.e., data binding). Components are created using the @Component decorator or by extending from @ViewChild() .

21. What is the difference between Server Side Rendering (SSR) and Client Side Rendering (CSR)?

  • Server Side Rendering (SSR) is used for rendering on the server side.
  • Client Side Rendering (CSR) is used for rendering on the client side.
  • SSR provides faster page loading because it doesn’t need to wait for JavaScript to load before rendering content, unlike CSR which needs to wait until all JavaScript files have been downloaded in order to render anything meaningful on your page.
  • CSR is more secure since it doesn’t send any sensitive data over HTTP connections which may be intercepted by hackers in transit or stored in logs by service providers like Cloudflare and Google Analytics which could lead them back into your application codebase if they gain access through other means such as exploiting vulnerabilities within libraries used by those libraries themselves!


With all this information, you should be able to answer most of the questions that come up during an interview on Angular. Remember, it’s not just about knowing the right answers. it’s also about being able to explain them in a way that makes sense and shows your passion for the subject matter!

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